Did you know that just by signing up for camps and classes through ActivityHero, your school can earn money?
Not only does ActivityHero help you find the best camp or class for your child where you can search by date, age, activity, location, and even extended care; you can also see ratings and read reviews from other real parents just like you.
Now every camp or class registration booked on ActivityHero can have even more of a positive impact:
- Every class or camp registration could earn $5 toward your school
- Parents save time by filling out the EasyEnroll form that can be used to book multiple registrations–no more wasted time searching for emergency contact numbers or important allergy information
- Go green & help the environment by eliminating unnecessary paperwork
To sign up for this fundraising program, simply visit this link: https://www.activityhero.com/go/school-fundraiser. We will send you a special tracking URL that you can include in emails, Facebook, website, etc.