While you shuttle the kids to and from school and their activities, podcasts are a great way to be entertained or learn something new. KidNuz is a daily news podcast for kids and we had a chance to ask one of their founders, Stephanie Kelmar, about their inspiration.

What is KidNuz and how long has it been around?
KidNuz is the first daily news podcast created for kids age 6-13. It features stories on current events and politics, entertainment, science, sports and more – followed by the KidNuz quiz. We launched the podcast last year to inspire thought-provoking conversations between parents and their children. As four busy moms with 12 children between us, we are committed to giving kids the top quality journalism they deserve. Five minutes of news that informs without bias and educates without opinion.
What gave you the idea to start a news podcast for kids?
Several years ago, my now 11 year old son began to show interest in reading the newspaper at breakfast. Sadly, the front page often contained images and/or headlines related to death and dying, wars and natural disasters. Often, I found myself tucking the newspaper away and had nothing else to offer him. As every parent knows, the news that populates today’s newspapers, cable TV stations and radio broadcasts is not appropriate for children. In fact, kids between the ages of six and thirteen have been wildly underserved when it comes to engaging, age-appropriate news and information. My kids are now 9 and 11 they listen to KidNuz everyday on the way to school.
Why is age-appropriate news important?
Kids love having information and sharing what they know with their peers. Parents need a trusted resource that’s won’t expose their kids to news that’s scary and unpredictable. Not only is adult-oriented news not geared to kids intellectually, it could damage them emotionally. According to a 2017 report by Common Sense Media, “News and America’s Kids: How Young People Perceive and Are Impacted by the News”, 63% of kids say “the news makes them feel sad or depressed, angry or afraid.” As kids can easily feel scared by the violent images they see and stories they hear, they deserve a newscast all their own.
How can learning about the news help kids?
Elementary school is a time when kids begin to dig into the world around them and a prime time when parents can begin to safely expose them to worldly events. And as former television news journalists, we understand the importance of presenting unbiased information. KidNuz is nonpartisan, but parents don’t have to be. Our podcast contains daily, digestible nuggets of news that parents can use to help their kids develop critical thinking skills. One of our goals is to help create the next generation of engaged citizens. Why? Because kids are curious, the world is fascinating and knowledge is power.
Tell Us Something You’ve Learned Since Starting KidNuz
Erik Burmeister, the Superintendent of Menlo Park City School District, and his son are regular KidNuz listeners. In fact, Burmeister says that if he fails to play the podcast within the first two minutes of getting into the car in the morning, he’s “quickly scolded.” His son also really enjoys the KidNuz quiz and listens intently (and quietly!) in the car, so he can get the most correct answers. In addition to enjoying the podcast himself, Burmeister has identified an important educational value to the podcast: “What listening to and discussing Kidnuz with my son has reminded me is that listening is a skill we can practice. Listening is a skill we can hone. If we can find tools that make building listening skills fun and engaging…why not?”
Where Can We Listen to KidNuz?
Our podcast is free and you can find it on our website www.kidnuz.com. And since we know parents are busier than ever, you can sign up to receive a daily reminder by text or email. KidNuz is also available on Stitcher and Radio Public or you can subscribe on Google Play and iTunes.