Best Mom Blog (and Dad Blog) Posts of 2012

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kids drawing

Snowman family
Photo from Flickr user Joe Howell

1. Do You Suffer From I’m-so-busy-itis? (The Happiest Mom)

“There are some mothers I know who claim to be so chronically over-run with items on their to-do list that I sometimes wonder: how is it even possible to have so much to do, not just sometimes, but constantly?”

2. Grass: Greener. The Truth About the Mommy Wars (Mom-101)

“Every time I stare at one of these mothers, I think, what I would give not to be racing back to the office right now. What I would give to be here instead with my girls sharing a croissant. And surely, one of the moms looks at me and thinks: What I would give for a whole 10 minutes to walk through these halls by myself.”

3. Back to Basics: 5 Life Skills We Forget to Teach Our Kids (Dad-O-Matic)

Hand holding
Photo from Flickr user The National Guard

“My kids are now in their twenties and starting their own adult lives, and as I look at the things that are truly important to them on the journey into adulthood, I am reminded about some things they need to know that ultimately may be more useful than how to manage their Facebook presence.”

4. On-the-Go Momma’s Guide to Finding Inspiration (On-The-Go Momma)

“What started out as a very natural desire to teach our children well and be significant in their lives actually becomes self-realization on a personal journey toward meaning and significance.”

5. Former Future Girl Scout Feminist (Julie and Martin)

“I respectfully disagree with Rep. Morris’ accusations and deeply-felt convictions that a national organization dedicated to the empowerment and education of life skills for girls is a contributing factor in the ruination of the American family.”

6. Anxiety and Motherhood – Can You Separate the Two? (Beccarama)

Family hugging
Photo from Flickr user o5com

“I always envisioned myself as a mom who watches with ease as her child climbs alone to the top of the monkey bars, or who can introduce led feeding at 6 months, or who is fine with my kid licking the city streets (germs are good immune boosters after all!). It is not these actions that actually scare me, it is the fear itself.”

7. Teach Your Children Well (Huff Post/50)

“What started out as a very natural desire to teach our children well and be significant in their lives actually becomes self-realization on a personal journey toward meaning and significance.”

8. Storytelling 101 (Modern Parents Messy Kids)

Family drawing
Photo from Flickr user Childrens Book Review

“Today I would like to share with you a simple yet super-fun storytelling form that uses paper. I call them the ‘Tear-and-Tell’ tales. It is really pretty neat to see how a single piece of paper transforms into something entirely different.”

9. A Short Story About Self-Harm (Actually Mummy)

“She had always spoken to the little girl in a mature way, ever since she was born. Had she unwittingly set her baby up for a lifetime of feeling pressurised and inadequate? By reasoning with her and explaining complicated words and concepts had she condemned her to feeling like she was never good enough for the rest of her life?”

10. The Great Balancing Act: A Time to Speak Up (Playground Dad)

“This phenomenon is a silent issue because men are not vocal in discussing and advocating for solutions to this challenge we face as working fathers. Working men also cannot have it all it appears.”

What have your favorite parenting blog posts of the year been?

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