5 Family Activities for Backyard Fun

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Photo by Flickr user Straublund1
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The backyard is where many families spend the summer soaking up the sunshine and enjoying their time together on the weekends.

Although not all families enjoy creating their own fun and just looking to get away from the heat, none of the families that have relaxed at the pool, tossed a Frisbee, or similar action on a warm day complained about it afterwards!

Here’s a few ways to have a fun time to enjoy not just the backyard space but time with your loved ones as well.

Invent a New Game

It can be difficult to decide on a game, so taking elements from several can help you to invent a brand new backyard ball game. Depending on your family focus you can take the time to play a number of running, throwing or kicking games to enliven your spirits and improve your fitness.

Be mindful of the rules and keep things fair so everyone can get a chance to score a goal, get a try or throw a winning backhand.

Photo by Flickr user Straublund1
Photo by Flickr user Straublund1


Whether you are a low-key type who likes to float across the water or prefer to splash around, everybody can find something fun about a pool.

Perhaps you are into the Marco-Polo game that gives you endless fun, but annoys the heck out of others. Maybe you like to take the time to work on your front crawl and improve your fitness. A pool is a coveted backyard addition that is certainly a crowd pleaser for friends, family members and neighbors alike.

Photo by Flickr user Crieff Hydro Hotel
Photo by Flickr user Crieff Hydro Hotel

Backyard Cricket

Backyard cricket after lunch is a great way to keep fit and have fun with your family and friends. Setting up the goal posts under the big gum tree and sending your fielders sprawling across the freshly mown grass sets up a great scene for summer fun.

The only thing to be careful of is the over-zealous hitters who threaten the glass in your windows.

Photo by flickr user AdamSelwood

Backyard Carnival

Bring the carnival fun to you this weekend with a backyard carnival!

Use empty bottles and and a ball to set up your own makeshift bowling game, paint the backyard grass and play Twister, and bring out the horse shoes or corn hole. You can even make it extra special by serving ice cream and corn dogs for dinner, just as a special treat.

Photo by Flickr user Cindi Brooks
Photo by Flickr user Cindi Brooks

No matter how you choose to do it, the backyard makes a great setting to have fun with your family and get everyone involved.

What sorts of backyard fun do you enjoy with your family?

5 Family Activities for Backyard Fun
5 Family Activities for Backyard Fun

Written by Mark Tomich. Mark is a lucky guy, he has a lovely wife and two wonderful children. He often gets a chance to play with them in the backyard and thinks of safety first – that is why he uses pool fencing to keep his pool safe.

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