featuring Young Art
Many schools are shifting to emphasize the core subjects like reading and math. Because of this, enrichment programs (i.e. art) are getting left behind. And while some believe art education amounts to just basic finger painting or coloring books, shifting this mindset for future generations is key.
Join us for a brief but informative chat with Ginhee Rancourt, CEO and Founder of Young Art.
In this podcast, the importance of art for kids is discussed. How does art spark innovative problem solving? What does the future of design thinking behold? Answers to these questions (and more) are also covered.

Simple activities that support creativity and teach an appreciation of art contribute to your kid’s development right now with many added future benefits.
Did you know? Kids involved in art are:
4x more likely to be recognized for their academic achievement
4x more likely to participate in a math and science fair
3x more likely to win an award for school attendance
Americans for the Arts and Vans Custom Culture
Our Podcast Guest
Ginhee Rancourt founded Young Art and over the past seven years has worked to provide communities with a vibrant outlet for creativity as a children’s drop off art studio, activating experiential spaces in shopping centers and online. Making art enrichment and education accessible to kids is at the core of their values.
Discover more art classes, camps, and activities for your child at ActivityHero.com