Camp Director Diaries — AcroSports Preschool performing arts organization

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Here at ActvityHero, we believe that kids’ activities such as camps and classes encourage kids to grow, learn, and discover new hobbies and passions.

Acrosports in San Francisco offers gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, and so much more. We interviewed preschool camp director Dharam Khalasa about his start with the program.


Tell us a little bit about how you got started with Acrosports.

Acrosports is a gymnastics, circus and physical performance arts organization originally founded by Russian acrobats who defected from the Moscow Circus.  I first came in the doors looking for a class for my preschooler back in 1993, but soon I fell in love with the place myself and signed up for adult gymnastics instruction.  After several years of training, I began to coach and eventually took over management of the preschool program.  My daughter went to Acrosports’ Circus Camp every summer for years and had the time of her life.  She loved the chance to make a show out of all the skills she’d been learning during the week.

What surprises or delights kids and parents about your camp? What sets your camp apart from the rest?

Acrosports’ Preschool Camp is a half day version of Circus Camp, and the highlight is the circus performance at the end.  Parents are always surprised and delighted by the range of skills and the focused unison choreography our young campers perform.  Our secret to keeping campers’ attention is that they love to move and we give them every opportunity to move in fun ways.  We have trampolines, a trapeze, rings, bars, rope swings, tunnels and climbing equipment to inspire full physical engagement.  Our playful, enthusiastic coaches work with the campers to create an encouraging environment for all children to contribute, which always shows up in the cohesiveness of the final performance.  I have been directing these camps for over 7 years now, and I never get tired of seeing these shows.  There is nothing cuter than a group of 4 & 5 years old dressed in their choice of costumes tumbling to their heart’s content.  Their high energy and pure joy is one of the wonders of the world.


For more information about Acrosports including current schedules and how to register, check out their listing on ActivityHero!

Written by Sarah Antrim

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